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11th of February of 2019


MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L., with identification VAT number ESB86200854, and address in calle de Velázquez 3, piso 3, 28001 de Madrid (Spain), recorded in the Madrid Commercial Registry in tomo 28247, folio 84, hoja 508758, inscripción 1ª, hereby provides its clients with the General Terms of Online Payment (hereinafter, ‘GTOP’), which regulate the payment of services through the online payment tool accessible in the website (hereinafter ‘the website’).


Legal capacity for making payments


The client shall have the required legal capacity for making payments pursuant the laws of the client’s country or origin.


If the payment is made in the name of a company, the payer shall have legal capacity for doing so according to the laws of the payer’s country of origin.


The client will only need to provide the indispensable data for making the payment validly. Namely: identification of the debtor, email address, invoice number and payment amount.




The payment through the online payment tool provided in the website entails acceptance of the GTOP available at the moment of the payment.




The online payment tool accessible through the website provides online payment of services provided offline.


MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. will be entitled to deactivate, limit, withdraw and/or not accept payments made through the website at any moment. Also, MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. can amend the present GTOP at any moment. These modifications will no affect the previous payments made through the website.


Online payment procedure


The online payment procedure steps are as follows:


  1. The client clicks on the page ‘PAYMENT’

  2. The client clicks on the button "PAY NOW", identifies the debtor, its email address and the payment amount.

  3. The client is taken to an external platform hosted by Vcita and makes the payment using a credit card or a debit card.

  4. The client receives an email in the email address provided in step (2) with the information of the completed payment.


Identification and amendment of mistakes


The client must make sure that the details given in the payment procedure are correct.


General Terms of Service and General Terms of Payment Online


The General Terms of Service and the General Terms of Payment Online are accessible through the website and they may be obtained, downloaded and reproduced by the client.




The prices of the services are in EUR or USD. The prices include the applicable taxes.




The payment is charged in the credit card/debit card immediately after the payment.


The payment can only be made through credit card or through debit card.


The payment using the online payment tool will not entail any additional costs.


Online payment security measures


The payment procedure uses a secure server using SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer). The secure server establishes a connection where the information is encrypted using 256 bits algorithms. This ensures that the information is exclusively intelligible by the client’s computer and the website. By using this protocol, the following is guaranteed:


  1. That the client is transmitting his details to the server of MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. (and not to a third.)

  2. That the details which are transmitted between the client and MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. are encrypted, avoiding their use or manipulation by third parties.




The client shall provide the requested information and details to fulfil the payment. The client shall be liable for the damages caused to MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. if the information or details are untrue, inaccurate or incomplete.


MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. declines all responsibility for the damages caused by a security leak in the client’s systems.




MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. can amend the configuration and appearance of the website.


MARTÍN-SANTOS & ESQUIVEL GLOBAL IP CONSULTANCY, S.L. can amend the GTOP at any moment. For this reason, we highly recommend the client to read the GTOP attentively each time all they access the website. The client will have access to these GTOP in a visible, freely accessible tab in the website.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction


The present GTOP are governed by the Spanish Law. In case of controversy, both parties renounce to their respective applicable forums and agree that the competent courts will be those of Madrid (Spain.)


Incidents and complaints


If the client would like to communicate an incident or would like to bring a complaint, the client may do so in writing to the email address

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